Take Me Somewhere joins forces with Actoral to develop touring pathways and artistic connections between Glasgow & Marseille across 2024.

This includes a focus of Scottish performance at Actoral Festival in October 2024, featuring Rosana Cade & Ivor MacAskill’s The Making of Pinocchio on 4th and 5th October 2024 with further Scottish works to be announced. We will also be hosting an Embedded Creations residency in Glasgow, with a French artist supported by Actorals programmes.

Take Me Somewhere aims to act as a portal and connector between Scottish artists & the wider world, and we are excited to collaborate with Actoral to build lasting artistic relationships across our local artistic communities. 

The Take Me Somewhere X Actoral exchange is funded by the British Council, UK/France Spotlight on Culture Programme.

Banner image: Cade & MacAskill - The Making of Pinocchio © Christa Holka