Take Me Somewhere Media Manager Niall Walker is offering 1-to-1 video consultations for live artists based in Scotland. If you’d like to chat to him about your website, social media, imagery, brand or digital strategy then get in touch below.

  • for artists with at least 2 years professional experience

  • consultations will last 1 hour

  • a fee of £25 will be paid to each artist participating

In some cases, and only with express permission, particular impacts or concerns of artists will be anonymised and collated, allowing us to consider how best to support artists and the sector moving forward. 


A note of interest should be sent to sian@takemesomewhere.co.uk by Wed 20 May with: 

  • Name and email address

  • A sentence or two on your practice and how long you’ve been practising as an artist

  • A sentence or two on what you’d like to discuss

  • Links to your website and social media profiles - Niall will look at these in advance of your meeting

In the event we get too many applications that fit priority conditions we will work to speak to a breadth of artists from across disciplines and at a variety of stages of practice.