We require all staff, artists and freelancers we work with to read and agree to our Care Commitment.
What safety looks and feels like is unique to every individual. By working collectively we can create a safer and more supportive working environment, using listening, care and increased awareness.
This document is intended to promote an ecology of care and support within Take Me Somewhere. The Care Commitment is used by the TMS core team, freelance staff & artists and their teams; to support safety and care when working with us, both on site in Studio Somewhere and remotely. This document also informs the development of a more indepth and longer term Safer Spaces Policy and process, alongside an Anti-racism and Anti-discrimination strategy centering an awareness of representation, equity and access.
As part of this commitment, the following agreement is to be read, acknowledged and implemented by TMS Staff, visiting artists and their full creative team:
We commit:
To treat each other with respect, kindness & transparency and practise an awareness of our language and behavior, we will think about how our actions might affect others. We will use language that is respectful and respects boundaries.
To not assume a person’s identity, background or experiences. We will use pronouns that have been communicated by the Creative team/individual and the TMS team will also share preferred pronouns.
To acknowledge that people may have visible or invisible barriers or challenges when working with us. Take Me Somewhere is committed to meeting Access support or Care requirements where possible. We can support visiting artists to communicate their needs to us and can also provide an Access rider template. Where an Access and/or Care requirement cannot be met for any reason, we will discuss this together and find alternative solutions. We will continuously work to improve the care and accessibility of our spaces and processes.
To ensure our interactions are informed by the knowledge that we are working within a predominantly & historically white institution; with an awareness of how this lack of representation impacts people with experiences of racism.
To give time and space generously to each person so that they may speak and share their thoughts and ideas at their own pace. We will practise effective listening both on and offline. For online events/discussions, we will use online Safer Spaces communication guidelines.
To agree to online and in-person communication preferences and parameters in advance, where possible, for artists and freelancers working with us. For example, good times to communicate, preferred communication methods, etc.
To acknowledge that this activity is happening during a pandemic, with heightened emotional stress for everyone. We will communicate and adapt to any shifts due to Covid-19 or governmental safety guidelines.
To follow a zero tolerance approach to racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, ableism, ageism or prejudice based on ethnicity, nationality, class, gender identity & presentation, language ability, asylum status or religious affiliation. With an awareness that discrimination also appears more insidiously in the form of Micro-aggressions and indignities. We expect all those we work with to commit to a zero tolerance approach.
If you are a victim of a hate crime and/or discriminatory behavior whilst working with us please inform us via the emergency contact or in a way you feel more comfortable.
To support all those we work with, where appropriate, in finding further support and/or navigating our complaints procedure and providing care before, during and after the process.
We understand that this care agreement will not support all situations. If you need to make a complaint whilst working with us, please see our Complaints Procedure. The TMS team can support you in this process where appropriate.
If you have any questions or suggestions for how this commitment can be improved, please contact us.