** Somewhere to talk runs seasonally & is currently closed for new sessions. sign up to our mailing List for updates when new sessions become available **

somewhere to talk

Somewhere To Talk is one on one sessions with a member of the Take Me Somewhere team for you to receive focused, tailored advice for an artistic project or consider the next steps in your practise. The sessions are free to attend and confidential.

Who are the sessions for?

The sessions are intended for artists based in Scotland who work in, or have an interest to work in, experimental performance & Live Art. They are open to artists at any level of experience, who are not currently in full time education. 

Who are we?

The sessions will predominantly be led by our Associate Producers Karl Taylor & Amy Lawrence, with some limited sessions available with our wider team and guest artists.

Karl Taylor 

Hi, my name’s Karl. I’ve worked with Take Me Somewhere since 2017 and I also run BUZZCUT, an organisation making space for Scotland based artists to try out new, unpredictable ideas in performance and Live Art. I’ve worked professionally in the arts for 10 years, in addition to lots of arts organisations I’ve also worked for independent artists such as Lucy McCormick, Scottee & Tania El Khoury, helping them develop projects from an early seed of an idea to full production and international tours, as well as help design a long-term strategy for their practises. 

Whilst I’ve performed in things here and there I am not a practising artist, so my skills are much more in producing; including career strategy, funding, project development and partnerships. I’d be really happy to help you get unstuck with what the next steps are for your project, and demystify some of the behind the scenes processes to get a project on its feet. I’d also be very happy to offer another pair of eyes on a project, contract, funding application, or whatever you might need.

Amy Lawrence

Hiya, my name is Amy and my pronouns are she/her . I started working with Take me Somewhere in 2021 as Associate Producer. I have a multi disciplinary background working across Live art/performance, dance and visual arts.  In recent years, I have run organisations/spaces, produced and supported events across online & public spaces, galleries, music festivals and theatres including Diverse Actions (Live Art UK), Tramway and MIF. As a freelance practising artist and facilitator, I have experience of developing projects using movement/choreography and visual arts in a variety of platforms alongside taking part in panels and talks.

I’d be happy to support you with the development of your artistic practice or project and engagement planning. I can support approaches to relationship building, finding opportunities and the logistics of delivering a creative project ( contracts, budget, funding, applications.) You can also share your ideas for an early project with me and together we can tease out anywhere you might be getting stuck.

How will they work?

The sessions last 45 minutes and can take place in person at Tramway, 25 Albert Drive, Glasgow, or online via Zoom.

We will ask you to let us know what you want to talk about in advance. We will then let you know whether or not we feel that we have the skills or knowledge to be able to support you. We may not have all the answers off the top of our head, but we normally know who to ask - so if you let us know what you want to talk about we can do a bit of research.

The sessions are free and allocated on a first come, first served basis. As our team only works part time and we do not yet know how popular these sessions will be, please note that we may have to schedule you in up to 8 weeks from the point of application.

We are able to provide BSL Interpretation and/or captioning on request. If you have any other access requirements please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate.

What can we discuss in the sessions?

The sessions will be led by your particular needs and questions. Things we can discuss include;

  • How to get your artistic idea ‘off the ground’ - planning a timeline, helping you articulate what you would like to do and identifying what partners, funding & support do you need in place to realise your vision?

  • Producing milestones to consider when planning your project, including contracting, risk assessments, PRS forms etc.

  • If you are feeling a bit lost professionally post-lockdown we can act as a sounding board and help you lay out a route forward. We can also discuss long-term strategy for practise sustainability, including what organisational or support structures may work for you.

  • We can advise on available funding routes, or spend time helping you bullet-point key points in a funding application, or read a draft of an existing application & offering feedback. As the session is only 45 minutes we would need to be specific, i.e. looking at one key question you are stuck on, or skim reading the whole application and offering general thoughts.

  • We can advise on possible networks, contexts or partners for the development or ongoing touring of your project, both within Scotland, the UK & internationally.

  • The sessions are a chance to draw on the expertise of the TMS team to support your project in the wider world. Therefore, they are not a process to pitch work to present in Take Me Somewhere’s Festival but you can contact us on producing@takemesomewhere.co.uk if there is a projct you’d like to share wth us.

How do I book?

Somewhere To Talk runs seasonally and is currently closed for new bookings. Please sign up to our mailing list to find out when new sessions become available.